Homeschool Musings of a Charlotte Mason Mom

Welcome to my Homeschool Musings of a Charlotte Mason Mom

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Things Are Working

I sat down and arranged our week so that we were only doing certain subjects on certain days during the week. That seems to be working real well for us. My son told me that he likes our schedule for school.
     My children are only 13 months a part so normally we do everything together. This year I chose to do things a llitle different. My son does certain subjects one week while my daughter does others. The next week they will switch places and work the subjects the other one worked the week previous. They seem to like that a lot better than working the same subjects. I suppose they don't feel competitive in this manner because they're not trying to race to see who can finish first. Working like this also gives me time to spend some one on one with them.
     There are some subjects we are still working together.
    Our year has started well and I am looking forward to the things we have lined up for the remainder. I love spending my days with my children. I wouldn't trade my life for anything, (even on the days when it seems like we are pulling teeth around here sweetheart). We aren't the perfect home schooling family, so things do get hectic sometimes. God always helps us through though.
    Time to start another round so I'd better post this and get ready. Hope everyone has a great day schooling their blessings. Truly that's what our chhildren are, blessings sent from God.


Elton said...

Just hang in there, sweetheart, it'll get better!

Christlike said...

Hi Traci!

I finally found you. Been missing you and could not comment on you new blog. I see you fix it now. I'll be talking to you later.

Unknown said...

Hey how much school work did you do ( just kidding)
yours truly,

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