Homeschool Musings of a Charlotte Mason Mom

Welcome to my Homeschool Musings of a Charlotte Mason Mom

Thursday, June 23, 2011

We're the Atom's Family

  My daughter does not always like Science, but she try's extremely hard to do what is required of her. This week I got a laugh when we were working on atoms and molecules.
  This was her way of understanding: "So if you, dad, Matthew, and I stay together as a family, we are a molecule family, but if we go our separate ways, we are an atoms family." Laughter broke out all around the table. She knows that atom is spelled different from the Adams family, but if that's what it takes for her to grasp, we'll be the Atom's family.
  I love coming along side my children laughing and learning. Homeschooling is great!


Charlotte Mason in the City said...

Love it! I'm going to use your daughter's example when talking about atoms and molecules with the kids. :)

Beloved's Redheaded Bride said...

This example works for me! I love it. I can't wait until I use it to teach this subject. So cute.

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