Homeschool Musings of a Charlotte Mason Mom

Welcome to my Homeschool Musings of a Charlotte Mason Mom

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Video Links For Appologia: Exploring Creation With Physical Science & More

     I have not always been a fan to Science, but since I began home schooling my children I have become very interested. For a few years we followed the Charlotte Mason method of education & just found library books on a particular topic and just went with the flow, studying from one topic to the next. This year we are taking a more formal approach. We are weaving our way through Exploring Creation With Physical Science by Apologia. We are having a great time with it, but could not move out of the CM style of education. We are still adding library books along side our textbook.
    The reason for this post is I wanted to say thanks to Judy over at Contented at Home. She shared another blogging friend with me that has done a superb job at showing what she has done with her children while they worked through Exploring Creation With Physical Science by Apologia (also their General Science & Biology). She has links to videos & all. I feel like I have been blessed by Judy and Marty today. Much of my lesson plans will just fall in place due to someone paving the road ahead of me.
    Thanks Judy for sharing Marty's blog with me & thanks Marty for the hard work that you have done, all of your time & effort.
    If you are using one of these Science's or intend on using one of them, you will want to definitely check out Marty's blog.


Beloved's Redheaded Bride said...

Thank You, Traci. It looks like a great blog and I could use some extra glimpses into science too.

Marty said...

Hello! I found your blog through My Joy-Filled Life, and I see you have found me! =)
And I kind of "know" Judy, too! We met through a hs forum, and were fb friends for awhile before I deactivated my acct.
This is exciting!
Small world, right? Esp. w/ internet.
I came here to see what all you were doing in Apologia. =)
And love how you just took the time to let the kids figure out why there was a halo around the moon. =) I've let my kids stay up at night as long as they wanted so they could watch for meteors. Homeschooling is fun!
Happy to find other hs'ers. =)

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