Homeschool Musings of a Charlotte Mason Mom

Welcome to my Homeschool Musings of a Charlotte Mason Mom

Friday, June 7, 2013

Family Life

    We are not doing much of anything today. My hubby has been on the computer, my daughter has just been taking a relaxation day, son has been playing games, and I have been thinking about school curriculum. My daughter and I have been discussing a lot of different curriculums, but haven't made any final decisions yet.
     We have also been trying our hand at making Smoothies. We have heard of them for a long time, but just never tried them at home. We have been enjoying them. I plan to check on the nutritional value later.
     Other than that we aren't doing much of anything else. I hope all of you are having a great summer. I have really missed homeschool land, reading other homeschool blogs. I tremendously miss the fellowship. I need a boost in our homeschooling right now. I have got to read some blogs to pick us up. We really haven't done much book work lately, but have worked on several life skills when it comes to yard work and gardening. I need some motivation to get us back in to school work.

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