Homeschool Musings of a Charlotte Mason Mom

Welcome to my Homeschool Musings of a Charlotte Mason Mom

Monday, July 1, 2013

Week 4 Weight Loss

Well, a little late this week on getting my weight logged in. I've been extremely busy. So busy that I would have thought I would have lost more weight than what I did, but oh well.

I started a new work out this week and I am assuming my body was building up my muscles this week because I did not have a big weight loss. I began using a walking video this week that has aerobic walking on it by Leslie Sansone. I like it really good. The aerobic miles really get muscles that you don't normally get to while just walking. Leslie has many videos so I plan to use the one I have for about three weeks and then purchase another one. I will then use it for a few weeks and then purchase a third. I plan to have three or four of her videos so I can keep rotating them around in order to keep my muscles confused.

Now for this weeks big weight loss, a big smashing 4 ozs. woo, hoo! as my 5 year old nephew would say.

Beginning weight: 204.6 lbs.

Last weeks weight: 195.2 lbs.

New weight: 194.8 lbs.

     Lost 4ozs. this week.

     Total weight loss: 9.8 lbs.

I wanted to lose at least one pound per week, but it just didn't happen this week. That's ok I am just taking this journey slow and steady.

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